Jena Ogston1, Sindy Hassig2
1College of St. Scholastica.
2Alpine Physical Therapy in Manchester, Vermont.
The CDC has recently identified sleep as a pillar of health, wellness, and disease prevention, noting its relationship to numerous biophysical markers, cardiovascular disease, and mental well-being. The economic and societal impact of sleep-related issues underscores the importance of effective screening and intervention strategies where the lack of sleep is related to impaired mental and physical health, cognitive function, and productivity. By promoting healthier sleep habits with a goal of 7-8 hours per night for adults, and providing targeted support, healthcare providers can assist patients in significantly improving overall health and well-being for individuals and communities alike. Early detection of sleep disruption is essential with appropriate screening, interventions, and referral. This paper aims to provide an evidence-based general overview of the adult population for screening and interventions for disrupted sleep with a focus on sleep-disordered breathing/ obstructive sleep apnea through the lens of the healthcare provider.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2024/5.1146 View / Download PdfVijay Janagama1*, Gaurav Thukral2, Sonam Mehta3, Sunanda Kandiraju4, Priyanka Bhat5
1Head – Concept & Clinical Excellence at HCAH.
2 Co-founder & Chief Operating Officer at HCAH.
3Deputy Manager Physiotherapy at HCAH.
4National Therapy Head at HCAH.
5AGM – Clinical Marketing, HCAH.
Background: The burden of stroke is increasing in India. Stroke is now the fourth leading cause of death and the fifth leading cause of disability. Following the acute phase of stroke management, rehabilitation becomes a cornerstone of recovery. However, despite the advancements in stroke rehabilitation, there exists a notable gap in patient awareness, with many individuals and their caregivers lacking sufficient knowledge about post-stroke rehabilitation options and the significance of their involvement in the recovery journey. Therefore, this survey was done to investigate the post stoke rehabilitation awareness among stroke patients and their family.
Aims: The objective of this survey is to assess stroke rehabilitation awareness among family members and individuals undergoing inpatient or outpatient post-stroke rehabilitation, focusing on knowledge of stroke risk factors, warning signs, prevention measures, and available rehabilitation services.
Method: From September’2023 to October’2023, 97 Participants were chosen, who underwent stroke rehabilitation either in-patient or out-patient rehabilitation for stroke recovery. Participants were made to fill out a structured questionnaire through an online link which consisted of 13 multiple-choice questions.
Results: Out of 97 respondent 40% of respondents were fully aware of the key symptoms of a stroke. 80% of respondents were aware of physical therapy importance post stroke; 58% awareness on speech therapy. Only 27% and 26% were aware about occupational therapy & robotic therapy as a post stroke rehabilitation option respectively. Around 73% of the respondents felt that post stroke rehabilitation at the Center is more effective than post stroke rehabilitation care at home.
Conclusion: These findings underscore the need for improved education and outreach efforts to enhance rehabilitation access for stroke survivors.
The data utilized in this research article are accessible upon reasonable request to the corresponding author, contingent upon adherence to applicable data protection regulations and ethical guidelines.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2024/5.1144 View / Download PdfNicole D. Wood*, Abbey Glenn
Department of Acute Therapy Services, Barrow Neurological Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona.
Occupational therapists (OTs) often adapt and implement specific treatment techniques and modalities to improve patient outcomes by improving patient positioning and reducing edema and pain. One such modality is the use of kinesiology tape (K-tape), an elastic therapeutic tape that alleviates pain, provides joint support, and manages edema. A pilot study was conducted with 20 patients to determine whether using K-tape after two specific neurosurgery procedures that cause occluded eyes would assist in reducing postoperative edema and ecchymosis in the operative-side eye and face, thereby reducing pain and increasing overall patient satisfaction. In 10 patients, K-tape was used in addition to the postoperative standard of care (cryotherapy and head-of-bed elevation to greater than 30°). The 10 control patients received only the standard of care. Patient surveys and OT documentation found that using K-tape for postoperative patients with ocular edema was more beneficial than the standard of care alone in assisting with edema and hematoma reduction and faster eye-opening. Patients completed verbal surveys up to three times during their stay, depending on length of stay. Patients tolerated this easy, cost-effective modality. Patients reported reduced pain, pressure, and swelling, which suggests that K-tape be considered by OTs as an additional modality in acute care.
RUNNING TITLE: Kinesiology tape for ocular edema
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2024/4.1145 View / Download PdfChiaki Takahashi1,2*, Takashi Shibata3, Mieko Tanaka4, Yuri Watanabe4, Yohei Kobayashi4, Isao Matsushita1
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kanazawa Medical University.
2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Toyama Prefectural Rehabilitation Hospital & Support Center for Children with Disabilities.
3Department of Neurosurgery, Toyama Nishi General Hospital.
4Brain Functions Laboratory, Inc.
BACKGROUND: In our hospital, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is applied in combination with occupational therapy (OT) for patients with persistent consciousness disorders. There have been reports from some research groups on Left dorsolateral prefrontal area (F3) anodal stimulation as wells as Frontal pole (Fpz) anodal stimulation under different conditions. We chose either anodal stimulation site depending on the patient's condition.
CASES: Nine patients underwent tDCS with Fpz or F3 anodal stimulation for 10 days, followed by a 2-day break, after which the stimulation sites were switched, and the patients were stimulated for another 10 days. Their Electroencephalography changes were evaluated by using visual images of neuronal activity topography (NAT). The asymmetry index (AI) was also calculated to compare lateral differences in neuronal changes in the frontal lobe. Seven out of nine cases started with Fpz anode, and two with F3 anode. In the former setting, six cases improved, two aggravated and one remained unchanged. In the latter, one case unchanged and one remained aggravated. After applying tDCS, NAT and AI of the improved cases showed a tendency to approximate the normal control group. Discussion: Among these cases, all but one showed improvement in CRS-R scores, especially in Fpz stimulation. Additionally, changes in the scores indicated that most cases showed improvements in responses to visual and auditory stimulation. Furthermore, the NAT system allows for the rapid and minimally invasive assessment of changes in neuronal activity. Consequently, it is suggested that this system may be valuable for evaluating the therapeutic effects of tDCS and identifying effective stimulation sites.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2024/3.1142 View / Download PdfShervin Assari1,2,3,4*, Hossein Zare5,6
1Department of Internal Medicine, Charles R Drew University of Medicine and Science, USA.
2Department of Family Medicine, Charles R Drew University of Medicine and Science, USA.
3Department of Urban Public Health, Charles R Drew University of Medicine and Science, USA.
4Marginalization-Related Diminished Returns (MDRs) Research Center, Charles R Drew University of Medicine and Science, USA.
5Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA.
6University of Maryland Global Campus, Health Services Management, USA.
Background: American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) communities face pronounced economic and health disparities compared to White Americans, a situation rooted in long-standing historical injustices and segregation. The theory of Minorities’ Diminished Returns (MDR) provides insight beyond the traditional focus on socioeconomic status (SES) disparities, such as educational attainment. It suggests that the beneficial outcomes of educational achievements on health and economic status are less substantial for marginalized and racially non-White groups compared to White Americans.
Aims: This study investigates the applicability of the MDR theory to AIAN populations by examining whether the positive effects of education on poverty reduction and the decreased risk of disability benefit dependency are weaker for AIAN adults relative to their White counterparts.
Methods: Utilizing data from the 2022 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), this cross-sectional study analyzed a cohort of 20,743 adults, comprising 20,474 White and 269 AIAN individuals. We assessed the relationships between educational attainment, poverty level, and the likelihood of receiving disability benefits. A structural equation model was employed, with receipt of disability benefits as a latent factor influenced by racial background (AIAN) as a potential moderator, education as the main predictor, and poverty level and self-rated health as mediators. Gender, age, employment status, marital status, and Hispanic ethnicity served as additional covariates.
Results: Findings indicate that higher educational levels are generally associated with a lower likelihood of receiving disability benefits, mediated by improved health and economic status. Nonetheless, the interaction between race (AIAN) and education significantly influenced economic outcomes, subsequently affecting the risk of receiving disability benefits. This suggests that Whites benefit more economically from education than AIAN individuals do.
Conclusion: The study underscores the MDR theory's relevance to the disparities in educational outcomes related to poverty risk and receiving disability benefits among AIAN populations. The challenges AIAN individuals face in leveraging their educational achievements for economic gain relative to Whites may be attributed to pervasive racism and discrimination within various sectors, including employment and education. Addressing these disparities necessitates policy interventions that ensure educational returns are equitable across racial groups, with a focus on equal access to resources and opportunities.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2024/2.1143 View / Download PdfShervin Assari1,2,3,4*, Hossein Zare5,6, Amanda Sonnega7
1Department of Urban Public Health, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
2Department of Family Medicine, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
3Department of Internal Medicine, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
4Marginalization-Related-Diminished Returns (MDRs) Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
5Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, 21205, USA.
6School of Business, University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC), Adelphi, MD, 20774, USA.
7Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
Background: Occupational classes play a significant role in influencing both individual and population health, serving as a vital conduit through which higher education can lead to better health outcomes. However, the pathway from education to corresponding occupational classes does not apply uniformly across different racial and ethnic groups, hindered by factors such as social stratification, labor market discrimination, and job segregation.
Aims: This study seeks to investigate the relationship between educational attainment and occupational classes among Black, Latino, and White middle-aged and older adults, with a focus on their transition into retirement.
Methods: Using cross-sectional data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), this research examines the impact of race/ethnicity, educational attainment, occupational classes, and timing of retirement among middle-aged and older adults. The analysis includes a sample of 7,096 individuals identified as White, Black, or Latino. Through logistic regression, we assess the additive and multiplicative effects of race/ethnicity and education on six defined occupational classes: 1. Managerial and specialty operations, 2. Professional Specialty, 3. Sales, 4. Clerical/administrative support, 5. Services, and 6. Manual labor.
Results: Participants were Black (n = 1,143) or White (n =5,953). This included Latino (N =459) or non-Latino (n = 6,634). Our analysis reveals a skewed distribution of Black and Latino adults in manual and service occupations, in stark contrast to White adults who were more commonly found in clerical/administrative and managerial positions. Educational attainment did not equate to similar occupational outcomes across racial groups. Key findings include: Firstly, Black individuals with a college degree or higher were less likely to occupy clerical and administrative positions compared to their White counterparts. Secondly, holding a General Educational Development (GED) credential or some college education was generally linked to reduced likelihood of being in managerial roles; however, this inverse relationship was less evident among Black middle-aged and older adults than White ones. Thirdly, having a GED reduced the chances of working in sales roles, while having a college degree increased such chances. An interaction between race and some college education revealed that the impact of some college education on sales roles was more significant for Black adults than for White ones. We did not observe any interaction between ethnicity (Latino) and educational attainment on occupational classes. Given the stability of occupational classes, these findings could also apply to the last occupation held prior to retirement.
Conclusion: This study highlights significant racial disparities in occupational classes among individuals with comparable levels of education, underscoring the profound implications for health and wellbeing disparities. Future research should explore strategies to alleviate labor market discrimination and job segregation as ways to close these occupational gaps. Additionally, the influence of social stratification, job segregation, and historical legacies, such as the repercussions of the Jim Crow era, on these disparities merits further investigation. Addressing these issues is crucial for enhancing the health and wellbeing of all populations.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2024/1.1141 View / Download PdfTiffany Hogan 1, Amy Mancia1, Kanah Ndiaye1, Brenda Rodriguez1, Babak Najand 2, Hossein Zare 3,4, Shervin Assari 1 5,6*
1Department of Urban Public Health, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, United States
2Marginalization-related Diminished Returns Center, Los Angeles, California, United States
3Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, 21205, USA.
4School of Business, University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC), Adelphi, 20783, USA.
5Department of Family Medicine, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science, Los Angeles, California, United States
6Department of Internal Medicine, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science, Los Angeles, California, United States
Background: Educational attainment has well established and widely recognized the effects on employment conditions and job demands. However, the way in which educational attainment correlates with perceived job demands may be inconsistent across racial groups as suggested by Minorities’ Diminished Returns (MDRs). The aim was to test the moderating effect of race on the association between educational attainment and perceived job demands, particularly for Black and White individuals.
Methods: This study was a cross-sectional analysis of MIDUS Refresher 1, including 1,232 Black and White adults over the age of 25 in the United States. Education attainment was the independent variable and perceived job demands was the dependent variable covariates. Linear regression was used for multivariate models.
Results- We observed positive association between education and perceived job demands, however, statistical interaction between race and education suggested stronger positive associations for Black than White individuals.
Conclusion: Being a highly educated Black professional in the United States equals high demand such increase stress is a risk factor of being a middle class black American. Innovated and bold market policies are required to solve this unfair dilemma.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2024/2.1138 View / Download PdfSong-Young Park1,2*, Andres Benitez-Albiter1*, Cody P. Anderson1, Sungyeon Kim3, Young-hwan An3, Sang-Seo Park4*, Jung-Hyun Kim5
1School of Health and Kinesiology, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska
2Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska
3Department of Training Support Center, Korea Paralympic Committee, Republic of Korea
4Department of Physiology, KyungHee University, Republic of Korea
5Department of Sports Medicine, Kyung-Hee University, Yongin, Korea
Spinal cord injuries (SCI) lead to significant changes in autonomic function, hemodynamics, and body composition. These structural and functional alterations are closely associated with the development of cardiovascular pathologies and other metabolic diseases. Recent clinical studies suggest that passive limb movement (PLM) has beneficial effects on cardiovascular function and skeletal muscle health, which has drawn a growing interest for the use of PLM as a therapeutic option for patients with SCI. However, there is a lack of mechanistic studies that examine the underlying mechanisms of how PLM may ameliorate cardiovascular and skeletal muscle function in patients with SCIs. In this review, we will discuss potential mechanisms of SCI-induced perturbations in autonomic function, hemodynamics, and body composition. Furthermore, we will highlight the therapeutic effects of PLM on autonomic function, vascular structure and function, and skeletal muscle in patients with SCIs. Additionally, we will also introduce the effects of other passive therapeutic interventions such as vibration and massage therapy with potential benefits and concerns for cardiovascular and skeletal muscle adaptations in SCI. Therefore, optimizing the application of PLM in patients with SCIs may be useful to salvage SCI-induced attenuations in vascular function and body composition.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2024/2.1139 View / Download PdfKenneth Thomas1*, Jeong Han Kim2
1University of Wisconsin - Madison
2University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley
This study's goal was to examine, expand upon, and update a chapter that was first printed in a relatively small number of copies of the book titled Essays and Research on Disability1. Thomas was the sole author of the original chapter, which discussed how attitudes about disability develop from a psychoanalytic and sociobiological perspective. Kin, reciprocal, and induced altruism were the first three altruism principles in sociobiology that were covered in this study. Then, Karen Horney's neo-Freudian viewpoint (i.e., less emphasis on sex and focused more on the social environment and culture regarding personality development) and traditional Freudian theories (such as castration anxiety, loss of love, and loss of the object) were tied to sociobiology, and this relationship was further addressed in terms of the evolution of attitude toward handicap. Then, recommendations were offered across a broad range of rehabilitation counseling services and educational practices that might be improved by using these insights, both clinically and politically. Finally, the present study extends this discussion by addressing similar concerns in the areas of counseling service priorities, multicultural rehabilitation counseling, and identity politics.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2023/2.1135 View / Download PdfChloé Schorderet1,2,3*, Roger Hilfiker4, Lara Allet1,2,5
1School of Health Sciences, HES-SO Valais-Wallis, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Valais, Sion, Switzerland
2The Sense Innovation & Research Center, Lausanne and Sion, Switzerland
3Department of Epidemiology, Care and Public Health Research Institute (CAPHRI), Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands
4School of Health Sciences, HES-SO Valais-Wallis, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Valais, Leukerbad, Switzerland
5Department of Community Medicine, University Hospitals and University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Background: Long COVID-19 is frequently observed in people who have contracted SARS-COV-2. It is characterized by a set of symptoms that can persist for months after infection and represents a challenge for all health care professionals. Among them, physiotherapists play an essential role thanks to their extensive knowledge in the rehabilitation field. To provide quality treatment, they need recommendations on which to rely. The aim of this study is to gather opinions from therapists working in Europe on the management of long COVID-19 patients in physiotherapy.
Method: A Delphi method was conducted in three rounds. In the first round, participants were asked about the deficits observed in long COVID-19 patients and about tests, monitoring and treatment to be implemented during the treatment of these patients. During the second and third rounds, they were informed about the results already obtained and had to confirm their answers with 6-point Likert scales.
Results: The most frequently observed impairments were pain, reduction in general physical fitness and respiratory problems. For assessment and treatment, the responses are specific to each impairment category. The 6-minute test seems to be particularly relevant for the assessment of several deficits and active approaches seem to have an essential place in the treatment.
Conclusion: Our study highlighted the diversity of impairments observed by physiotherapists in long COVID-19 patients and allowed to create a consensus on the assessments and treatments to be preferred for each type of impairment. In general, active treatment should be preferred for most of the impairments for which long COVID-19 patients consult a physiotherapist.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2021/1.1134 View / Download PdfIzaya OGON1*, Hiroyuki TAKASHIMA2, Tomonori MORITA1, Mitsunori YOSHIMOTO1, Yasushi FUJITA3, Tsuneo TAKEBAYASHI4 and Atsushi TERAMOTO1
1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan
2Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
3Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nishioka Daiichi Hospital, Sapporo, Japan
4Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Sapporo Maruyama Orthopaedic Hospital, Sapporo, Japan
Background and aims: Fat degeneration in the multifidus muscle (Mm) was more common than in other trunk muscles. We hypothesised that the lipid contents of the Mm and patient-reported quality of life (QOL) are related. However, there are no papers examining the association between fatty degeneration of the Mm and patient-reported QOL using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the association between patient-reported QOL, evaluated with the Japanese Orthopaedic Association Back Pain Evaluation Questionnaire (JOABPEQ), and the intramyocellular lipid (IMCL) and extramyocellular lipid (EMCL) contents of the Mm and psoas major (PM) by MRS in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP).
Materials and Methods:
Forty-eight patients (mean age, 64.2 ± 13.2 years; age range, 41–79 years) with nonspecific CLBP underwent MRS for the quantification of IMCL and EMCL of the right Mm and PM in a volume of interest at L4/L5. All subjects underwent MRS and completed the JOABPEQ in the same day. We performed multiple linear regression analysis of the IMCL and EMCL contents of the Mm and PM with the five domains of the JOABPEQ adjusted for age, sex, and body mass index.
Results: The IMCL content of the Mm was correlated with pain-related disorders (standardised partial regression coefficient (β)=−0.59, p<0.01), lumbar spine dysfunction (β=−0.64, p<0.01), and social life dysfunction (β=−0.31, p<0.01) which showed moderate negative correlation, but not with psychological disorders. The EMCL content of the Mm was not correlated with the five domains of the JOABPEQ. The IMCL and EMCL contents of the PM was not correlated with the five domains of the JOABPEQ.
Conclusions: IMCL content of the Mm was significantly correlated with the pain-related disorders, lumbar spine dysfunction, gait disturbance, and social life dysfunction domain scores of the JOABPEQ. Future studies using magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the Mm in patients with CLBP may help optimize exercise strategies using IMCL as an index to enhance patient-reported quality of life.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2023/1.1133 View / Download PdfRichard E. Busch III D. C1*, Prahlad G Menon2, Sergey Leo Sorin, M.D., DABFM3
1Indiana University, Parker University, Dallas, TX
2Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
3International Institute of Holistic Medicine, 2840 E. Chestnut Expy, Springfield, MO
Background: Computerized spinal decompression using the intervertebral differential dynamics (IDD) therapy protocol has achieved 86–92% positive results in reducing back pain. There are many causes of back pain, and one of the most common is a degenerative disc. The etiology of a degenerative disc is not completely understood, but it can be related to acute injuries, repetitive stress, nutrition, genetic factors, and oxidative stress1. Standard of care may include physical therapy or manipulation to introduce movement to the spinal vertebrae. IDD Therapy® uses a calculated, sinusoidal, logarithmic primary waveform to separate the spinal vertebrae. More recent studies have shown that the addition of a secondary waveform gives a significant increase in efficacy. We observed these effects on the spine during an IDD Therapy® session.
Methods: Images of the intervertebral space were taken by videofluoroscopy during the IDD Therapy® session.
Results: The expected separation of L5-S1 was achieved. We also noted the separation profile of the vertebrae was uniquely uniform despite the graduated pressures, particularly when the secondary oscillation waveform was introduced. L5-S1 separation was 1 mm in size, and the anterior–posterior correlation was significant (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Active oscillatory signaling introduced during the high-tension period of treatment may lead to more compliant muscle re-education and thus enhanced uniform separation of the vertebrae. We believe that IDD Therapy® using Accu-Spina® may achieve 92% positive results because the secondary oscillatory signal induces mechanotransduction of mechanical stimuli into electrochemical activity at the cellular level. Further research will lead to greater confidence and further exploration of mechanotransduction in intradiscal cellular tissues.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2023/1.1132 View / Download PdfKenneth R. Thomas. DEd1*, Kaiqi Zhou,2 David A. Rosenthal, PhD3
1Professor Emeritus, Rehabilitation Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2Ph.D Candidate, Rehabilitation Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
3Professor, Rehabilitation Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Object Relations (OR) has been identified as one of the four major schools of psychoanalysis1. This article provides a comprehensive review of OR practice and theory in the context of rehabilitation psychology. Extensive data are presented on five of the most prominent pioneer object relations theorists, including Melanie Klein, W. R. D. Fairbairn, Michal Balint, Harry Guntrip, and D. W. Winnicott. All of these individuals have contributed significantly to object relations theory. Melanie Klein and W. R. D Fairbairn have been credited with founding the object relations perspective, Michael Balint has been touted as the leading object relations theorist, Harry Guntrip was analyzed by both Fairbairn and Winnicott, and D.W. Winnicott is probably the most creative and respected psychoanalytic theorist since Sigmund Freud. All five of these theorists brought a fresh, new perspective on psychoanalytic theory and practice, and their contributions may be used to better understand the personality development of persons with a disability and to inform the practice of rehabilitation psychology.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2023/1.1131 View / Download PdfLeonard A Jason1*, Joseph Cotler1, Mohammed F Islam1, Jacob Furst2, Ben Z Katz3
1Center for Community Research, DePaul University, Chicago, IL 60614, USA. Emails: Leonard Jason:; Joseph Cotler:; Mohammed Islam:;
2The College of Computing and Digital Media, DePaul University, Chicago, IL 60614, USA. Email: Jacob Furst:;
3Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Chicago, 60611 USA. Email: Ben Z Katz:;
Background: About 10% of individuals who contract infectious mononucleosis (IM) have symptoms 6 months later that meet criteria for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Our study for the first time examined whether it is possible to predict who will develop ME/CFS following IM.
Methods: We have reported on a prospectively recruited cohort of 4,501 college students, of which 238 (5.3%) developed IM. Those who developed IM were followed-up at six months to determine whether they recovered or met criteria for ME/CFS. The present study focuses on 48 students who after six months had a diagnosis of ME/CFS, and a matched control group of 58 students who had no further symptoms after their IM. All of these 106 students had data at baseline (at least 6 weeks prior to the development of IM), when experiencing IM, and 6 months following IM. Of those who did not recover from IM, there were two groups: 30 were classified as ME/CFS and 18 were classified as severe ME/CFS. We measured the results of 7 questionnaires, physical examination findings, the severity of mononucleosis and cytokine analyses at baseline (pre-illness) and at the time of IM. We examined predictors (e.g., pre-illness variables as well as variables at onset of IM) of those who developed ME/CFS and severe ME/CFS following IM.
Results: From analyses using receiver operating characteristic statistics, the students who had had severe gastrointestinal symptoms of stomach pain, bloating, and an irritable bowel at baseline and who also had abnormally low levels of the immune markers IL-13 and/or IL-5 at baseline, as well as severe gastrointestinal symptoms when then contracted IM, were found to have a nearly 80% chance of having severe ME/CFS persisting six months following IM.
Conclusions: Our findings are consistent with emerging literature that gastrointestinal distress and autonomic symptoms, along with several immune markers, may be implicated in the development of severe ME/CFS.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2021/1.1129 View / Download PdfConnor A. Hernon1,2, Abduallah Elsayed3, Raphael M. Vicente4, Ariane Zamarioli4, Melissa A. Kacena3,5,6, Jonathan W. Lowery1,2,3,5,6
1Division of Biomedical Science, Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
2Bone & Muscle Research Group, Marian University, Indianapolis, Indiana USA
3Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indiana, USA
4Department of Orthopaedics and Anaesthesiology, Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo, SP, Brazil
5Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center, IN, USA
6Indiana Center for Musculoskeletal Health, School of Medicine, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
This mini-review summarizes the available information regarding the impact of caloric restriction (CR) and/or intermittent fasting (IF) on bone health. CR and IF are dietary interventions used in rehabilitative healthcare for augmenting weight loss and also proposed for recovery of conditions such as stroke and heart failure. CR restricts the total number of calories rather than different food groups or periods of eating. In contrast, IF severely restricts caloric intake for a period of time followed by a period of ad libitum intake. Here, we discuss the available information regarding the impact of these rehabilitation diets on bone metabolism, highlighting areas of consistency and discrepancy and suggesting future areas of study to advance the understanding of CR and/or IF on bone health.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2021/2.1128 View / Download PdfKerstin S. Baun1, Nathan T. Kearns2, Jennifer K. Peterson1, John M. Miguelez1
1Clinical Services, Advanced Arm Dynamics, Redondo Beach, CA, USA
2Department of Psychology, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA
Purpose: To develop and psychometrically evaluate the Comprehensive Arm Prosthesis and Rehabilitation Outcomes Questionnaire (CAPROQ), a 28-item, self-report measure of three key facets associated with successful rehabilitation (perceived function, satisfaction, and pain) designed specifically for the adult upper limb loss (ULL) population.
Materials and Methods: Using a national sample of adult ULL patients (N=240), factor structure, internal consistency, convergent/concurrent validity, and known group validity of the total CAPROQ score and three subscale scores were evaluated.
Results: Confirmatory factor analysis indicated adequate-to-strong factor loading on each subscale: satisfaction (.623-.913), perceived function (.572-.860) and pain (.422-.834). Internal consistencies for the total measure and measure subscales were good-to-excellent (.89-.95) and convergent validity indicated moderate-to-strong statistically significant associations between the CAPROQ subscales and relevant measures. Concurrent validity showed moderate associations between CAPROQ total score, prosthetic wear time, and psychosocial adjustment scores. Known group validity indicated significant differences on CAPROQ total score between initial and definitive fitting stages (p=.012).
Conclusion: Psychometric evaluation indicated that the CAPROQ and CAPROQ subscales were structurally sound, internally consistent, and demonstrated convergent validity with currently used assessments of perceived functioning, satisfaction, and pain. CAPROQ is needed for guiding individual patient care, improving care models and future prosthesis selection and development.
View / Download PdfAric Anloague1,4, Devanshi Patel1,4, Stephanie Henderson1,4, Hillary Rolfs1,4, Mackenzie Powell1,4, Sunny B Patel2,4, Nicole M LaFave1,4, Vincent R Marshall1,4, Bryan G Wacker1,4, Collin M Young1,4, Julia M Hum3,4, Kevin Gries3,4,5, Jonathan W Lowery3,4*
1Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine, 3200 Cold Spring Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 46222
2William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine, 710 William Carey Parkway, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, USA 39401
3Division of Biomedical Science, Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine, 3200 Cold Spring Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 46222
4Bone & Muscle Research Group, Marian University, 3200 Cold Spring Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 46222
5Program in Exercise & Sports Science, Marian University, 3200 Cold Spring Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 46222
Individuals with osteoporosis, i.e., low bone mass, are at enhanced risk for fracture, disability, and death. Hospitalizations for osteoporotic fractures exceed those for heart attack, stroke, and breast cancer. Osteoporosis rates are predicted to increase due to an aging global population yet there are limited pharmacological treatment options for osteoporosis, particularly for long-term management of this chronic condition. Moreover, the drug development pipeline is relatively bereft of new strategies and drug candidates, creating an urgent need for developing new therapeutic strategies for treating osteoporosis. In this mini-review, we speculate about the potential for non-invasive soft tissue manipulation (STM) to exert anabolic effects on the skeleton that may provide therapeutic benefit for individuals with low bone mass. Our rationale is premised on work by us and others showing that STM leads to decreased levels of chemokines and pro-inflammatory cytokines (such as Interleukin (IL)-3, IL-6, and IL-8) known to restrict the differentiation and/or activity of bone-forming osteoblasts. However, there are no published studies examining whether STM impacts bone mass, potentially limiting the widespread use of this non-invasive and non-pharmacological intervention in the worldwide treatment of patients with osteoporosis, individuals with low bone mass due to being bed-ridden or otherwise mobility-limited, and persons subjected to spaceflight-related bone loss.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2021/1.1125 View / Download PdfJulia To Dutka1*, Mark Kovic2, Kristen Mauk3, Richard E Oliver4
1CGFNS International, Inc., Pennsylvania, USA
2Midwestern University, Illinois, USA
3Colorado Christian University, Colorado, USA
4University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USA
To meet the needs of the 2.41 billion people seeking rehabilitation care, the world’s health workforce must be sustainable and scalable. In 2021, the WHO launched its Rehabilitation Competency Framework (RCF) to help countries build local rehabilitation ecosystems by focusing on high-level priorities. A top priority is the development of a health workforce that is sustainable and scalable to meet local needs. To capitalize on existing health workforce resources, countries need to focus on the specialists and on other members of the rehabilitation team who can assume targeted responsibilities for delivering care. To support these efforts, CGFNS International, Inc., an assessment organization for health professionals worldwide, is developing two exam-based global certifications, one for rehabilitation health workers and one for registered nurses working in rehabilitation settings. These global certifications assess the knowledge and competencies of individual rehabilitation health workers and nurses and certify those who meet the standards. For consumers, global certification attests to the competence of local service providers and helps ensure quality care. For health workers and nurses, global certification confers a credential that recognizes their expertise and supports their continuing professional development and career goals. And for policymakers, global certification provides useful information for managing care delivery. This article provides the rationale behind global certification, describes the methodology for creating these certifications, and shows how their underlying constructs and those of the WHO’s RCF align. This alignment helps consumers, health workers and nurses, and local authorities use all available tools to make informed decisions advancing rehabilitation care.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2021/1.1126 View / Download PdfLi Chen1, Jing Su2*
1Department of Nursing, Shantou University Medical College, Guangdong, China
2Director of Department of Nursing, Shantou University Medical College, China
Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is an important part of the management of COPD, which can reduce symptoms of dyspnea, times of hospitalizations, and improve exercise capacity and health-related quality of patients. As a key element of PR, PR exercise training consists of exercise assessment and training methods. Exercise assessments should include the evaluation of dyspnea, exercise capacity, and health-related quality of life. Following a thorough assessment of patients, individualized exercise training programs, including endurance, resistance, and other exercise training methods, should be developed based on physiologic requirements and individual demands of patients. Although there have been many studies on the types of exercise for patients with COPD, there are still no conclusions about how to develop the best exercise prescription. Choosing the most appropriate methods for patients with COPD to calculate the situation is crucial. Therefore, this review aims to summarize the common methods of exercise assessments and exercise trainings in PR.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2021/1.1124 View / Download PdfIrene J Su*, Yi Li, Li Chen
Shantou University Medical College, 22 Xinling Road, Shantou 515041, Guangdong Province, China
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to identify whether there is an association between sarcopenia and physical function outcomes of patients with stroke.
Methods: A systematic search of Pubmed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Embase, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), and Wanfang database was conducted to identify studies in Chinese and English from the inception of the database to March 2021. Documents were checked for relevancy. Articles exploring the association between sarcopenia and the physical function of patients with stroke were included. The quality of the literature was evaluated using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale tool. Stata 15.0 software was used to conduct meta-analysis.
Results: Eight studies met the criteria for inclusion. A meta-analysis of four studies showed that sarcopenia was related to an increased risk of poor physical function of patients with stroke (total OR=3.11, 95% CI: 2.22-4.34, P<0.0001). Descriptive analysis was performed in the rest of studies. Overall, a correlation between the two factors was found in patients with stroke. Some studies suggested a difference based on gender and severity of the disease condition. The studies included in this review were of high methodological quality. The Egger's test (P=0.217) showed no publication bias.
Conclusions: This review concludes that sarcopenia is an independent predictive factor of physical function of patients with stroke. Clinicians should pay attention to gender differences and severity of disease condition. Therefore, screening, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of sarcopenia should be part of the routine clinical practice when providing care to stroke patients.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2021/1.1123 View / Download Pdf What did we learn from a Community Bone Health Promotion Project for People with Mental Retardation?
K.F. Cheng1, Lee Sze Nga2, P. C. Leung1,3*
1 Centre for Clinical Trials on Chinese Medicine, Institute of Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2 Grace Rehabilitation Service, Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong, Hong Kong
3 State Key Laboratory of Research on Bioactivities and Clinical Applications of Medicinal Plants (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Hong Kong
Background: The Community Bone Health Promotion Project offered service to the individual Mentally Retarded person (MR) together with his/ her personal care-givers as a unit. The MR tends to get old and suffer from chronic diseases much earlier than the general population. The care-giving parent is older by age and yet could serve as a “control” in the assessment exercises.
Methods: The project took a multidisciplinary approach participated by the social workers, medical experts, nurses and therapists to ensure support and compliance. The promotion of bone health was executed through ordinary physical exercises, machine-driven trainings and dietary support. A special dietary supplement with Traditional Chinese Medicine orientation was chosen for the clients who were expected to have extra appreciation because of the cultural heritage.
The project lasted 12 months after which the assessments included objective measurements of Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and subjective evaluation of Quality of Life (QoL).
Results: Of the 136 participants, 55 were patients with MR and 81 were caregivers. The average age of patients with MR was 52.7 years old, and that of caregivers was 62.2 years old. Compliance of the clients and their caregivers had been very good and great appreciations were expressed. The special dietary supplement with medicinal herb extracts was well loved by both MRs and caregivers. BMD, as expected, did not show significant change after 12 months although a trend of improvement was obvious among the more deficient individuals. Caregivers of older ages could be more responsive compared with the younger MRs.
In conclusion, it was a fruitful project endorsing the multidisciplinary approach in the planning, executions, supervision and assessment. The improvements in Physical functioning, Role physical and Role emotional were shown in the Quality of Life evaluation, further supported the enthusiasm and appreciation of the MRs and their caregivers.
DOI: 10.29245/2767-5122/2021/1.1119 View / Download PdfJoanne E. Milios*, Timothy R. Ackland, Daniel J. Green
School of Human Sciences (Exercise and Sport Science), The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia, 6009
Peyronie’s Disease (PD) is a connective tissue disorder of the penis affecting 1 in 10 men, resulting in penile deformity and psychological distress in 50% of afflicted men. Therapeutic Ultrasound (TUS) is a non-invasive treatment that uses high frequency sound waves to stimulate tissue repair via thermal effects to increase blood flow, reduce pain and promote a proinflammatory response. TUS has been shown to be effective in case study series however no RCTs currently exist.
Methods & Materials: Forty-six men with PD were recruited into a randomised controlled study that assessed the effectiveness of TUS (n= 23 intervention, n= 20 control).
12 TUS sessions were provided over 4 weeks utilising 1.5-2.5 W/cm2, 3 MHz x 10mins/session before and after which all outcome measures were re-assessed. The control group had a 4 -week delayed entry into the intervention. Participants underwent Penile Duplex Doppler Ultrasound (PDDU) to confirm PD. as well as completing the Peyronie’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ) and IIEF-5.
Results: Forty-three participants (59 y ± 11y, BMI=26.3, duration PD 17 months) completed the trial. PDDU outcomes indicated a Group x Time interaction (F= 4.702, p=0.036) and showed a significant main effect. Average reduction in penile curvature angle was , or 38% of total and ANOVA results show a significant main effect for time and curvature reduction (F=16.762; p < 0.001). For the IIEF-5 outcomes, results show a significant main effect for the Group x Time interaction (F=4.752, p=0.035).
Conclusions: TUS offered an effective first line, non-invasive approach to treatment for PD. Previous studies utilizing TUS on PD have relied on case study reports and this is the first RCT to be undertaken in this field.
View / Download PdfRenan Fudoli Lins Vieira1, Rafael Lima Junqueira1, Rafael C. Gaspar1, Vitor R. Munoz1, Jose R. Pauli1,2*
1Department of Health Sciences, Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Exercise, School of Applied Sciences, University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2CEPECE-Center of Research in Sport Sciences, School of Applied Sciences, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Limeira, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Aging is characterized by a decline in metabolism and functional capacities. On the other hand, physical exercise is a well-known strategy that provides metabolic and functional benefits. Since elderly subjects have insulin resistance and issues with carbohydrate metabolism, physical exercise can contribute to glucose homeostasis through its participation in skeletal muscle glucose uptake via insulin-dependent/insulin-independent mechanisms. Therefore, it is important to understand the effects of physical exercise on 5' AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling in skeletal muscle and on positive metabolic adaptations and the prevention of age-related diseases. In this mini-review, we will discuss the participation of AMPK in controlling skeletal muscle glucose uptake in response to physical exercise and aging.
View / Download PdfFelipe L. Belozo1, Naely Pivetta2, Victor A. R. Fernandes1,3, Rebeca S.M.N. Belozo1, Tatiane C. de Paula1, Carlos K. Katashima5, Andre K. Yamada4, Carlos Roberto Bueno Jr.4, Vagner R. R. Silva5*
1College of Physical Education - Network Faculty, Nova Odessa, SP, Brazil
2State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP, Brazil
3Laboratory of Tissue Morphology. Jundiai Medical School. Jundiaí, SP, Brazil
4School of Physical Education and Sport of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil
5Postgraduate Program in Nutrition and Sport Sciences and Metabolism. School of Applied Sciences, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Limeira, SP, Brazil
Background: Falls can lead to several comorbidities and are considered a major cause of mortality in the elderly.
Objective: Herein, we evaluated functional mobility in older practitioners of Liang Gong exercise as a strategy to prevent falls.
Method: We evaluated 90 subjects (10 men and 80 women) using measures of body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), abdominal circumference (AC), calf circumference (CC), 5 times sit to stand test (5TSS), and 4-meter gait speed test (4GST).
Results: Against our expectations, 68.88% of the participants presented low-performance in the 5TSS and 71.11% in the 4GST. In addition, we associated CC (considered a marker of sarcopenia) with the 5TSS using Pearson's correlation analysis but no statistical differences were found between the low-performance group and the high-performance group.
Conclusion: Our results showed that the majority of the older adults who have been practicing Liang Gong exercise for more than 6-months presented unsatisfactory results in the indices of functional mobility and we believe that a combination of resistance, functional and aerobics trainings would be more effective to improve it.
View / Download PdfLidiane Begalli de Souza1, Mariana Cruz Lazzarin1, Flavia de Oliveira1*
1Departamento de Biociências, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Campus Baixada Santista, SP, Brazil
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a rare disease caused by mutations or rearrangements in the dystrophin gene, leading to progressive muscle lesion. There is no curative treatment for DMD, however, there is evidence that treatment with LLLT acts to decrease inflammation, oxidative stress, pain and stimulate muscle repair. The aim of this review was to discuss the effects of LLLT as a helpful alternative therapy to be associated with other treatments for DMD. To this end, a systematic research in PubMed database was conducted including the following terms: “Duchenne muscular dystrophy” and “low level laser therapy” or “mdx mice” and “low level laser therapy”. After prospecting scientific articles, 5 were selected. As a result, it was found that there is a lack of information about the use of LLLT on DMD patients because all of the studies were preclinical. The selected articles showed that mdx mice were chosen as the experimental model and although they describe the positive effects of LLLT, the studies were performed with different mice ages, parameters of irradiation, treatment duration and muscle chosen. In conclusion, according to this review both preclinical animal experiments and human clinical studies with LLLT use should be expanded to the benefits of patients in this translational research answer.
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